Sunday, September 28, 2008

What If Redux : World Without The Web

What if the internet died tomorrow and didn’t come back? That was a question that was asked on IUPUI Dance Team blog. This was pretty easy to create but I wanted to see how it would handle it if I went 24 hours without checking the internet for anything. I literally did not realize how much I rely on it and felt withdrawal from going cold turkey. First I could not get online to check my assignments in my other N485 class and I know something is due this weekend. Second I forgot about my phone bill and I pay all my bills online so I was SOL. Last I didn’t get my Sunday Lineups in for my Fantasy Football league so now I am really f*@ked.Why do I rely on the internet so much? It’s like in the last five years ever since I got high speed internet I get all my news, weather, communication and entertainment via internet. Blame it on YOUTUBE, MySpace, Blogs, Yahoo,Google,etc. In the 24 hours that I did not use the internet it was the most out of touch and unaware that I felt in along time. So if the internet went down and did not come back it would be an abomination and people would probably start rioting. Later M.C.

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