Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Favorite Research Project / Class Reflection

With all of the research projects that were presented Monday I found myself liking two in particular ,although all of them were quite entertaining. I really liked Bianca Stop Motion presentation and really though it was quite mind blowing. I liked her choice of music and how every frame moved along with the song. I also thought Jeremiah's photo piece was really an honest and straightforward presentation. It showed how an everyday act like smoking a cigarette can be photogenic and can make people just by seeing it want a cigarette especially if they're having a Nic fit like Beth! In closing I really thought the class was entertaining and feel like I have a little more idea of what seeing sideways is all about. I'm sure we all have come a hell of a long way since August. Take care. MC.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Art Gallary - Inspiration

Yesterday , I went to the Indianapolis Museum of Art for the first time in about 15 years. I think I appreciate art now more than when I was in high school. I was particularly blown away by the Stain glass and the Civil War portrait. The Civil War portrait was painted while the artist was recuperating from injuries he suffered in battle. I think with every picture tells a story and these men just needed time to not think about killing their fellow Americans and spend some quality male bonding time . There was no Football, Iphones or Playstations back then so I guess the main source of entertainment was playing cards.Anyway I like the American flag painted in the background I just wish the photo came out better but it was real dark in there and they were giving a tour so I just took a quick shot. I went outside and walked the gardens and came across these number sculptures and snapped a picture. I don't know if this was all too inspiring but one thing I can take away is this was another day where I just tried to find a little peace and looking at the beautiful work made me feel quite mellow. MC.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What The Bleep Do We Know ? - Reflection

Generally I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this film but I really thought it opened up some ideas in my brain. I thought the one thing that stuck was earlier in the film when one of the scientist's said something about the element of time (past vs. future). I always have pondered why you can't see or remember the future but we can always remember our past. I think if I could just see what the future was like up ahead I wouldn't make the same mistakes that I have done in the past.Quantum Physics as one scientist said is defined as possibilities. These possibilities are endless and I could sit here all day rattling off similarities to what they were saying in the movie to my life. I am a firm believer in a higher power though and I feel that we are certainly not as in control as we mike think we are. I can't say it was the best doc/film I've watched but It did seem to be quite entertaining. I really like the effective use of Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" in the movie along with the Polka music.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bliss.... A Return to the Past

As I questioned myself on how I was going to approach this assignment I first was scared that I would not be able to come up with anything.You see I think this assignment is great for people who really have something that truly can occupy there time in a straight block like that but for me it's not that easy. I get real bored if I do something for too long. What I tried to do was think about something that would make me smile and generate some happier thoughts so I decided to take a drive through my old neighborhood where I grow up for my first 13 years off my life. I'm in my mid thirties now so it's getting harder to remember those times when I was a kid. I haven't been back in this neighborhood for years and things have definitely changed. All my family pretty much lived in one concentrated area and now that both set's of grandparents have passed and my sister has moved up north to Lafayette there really is no one left there on that side of town. I took a walk through the old park where my friends and I used to play baseball, my old house was right next to it so we could just climb a fence and just spend the whole evening after school over there. The park looks nothing like it used to they're all these fancy swings, slides , and monkey bar things.I had my first kiss over there when I was 12.Oh yeah, the romance of 1984 with the girl that live a few houses down from my house. I can't even remember her name for the life of me. I looked across the fence where my old house still stands. The people that own it now sure have let it run down a bit. They did take my old basketball goal down. My dad and me used to play HORSE in the driveway and I could hit this shot where I threw it over the edge of the roof and sink it right through the net. I guess when I got back over to my old neighborhood I started thinking about how I wish I was a kid again and that life moves so fast now. There is no time for play and having fun. As you get older more responsibilities are thrown you're way and now you got to worry about how you're going to pay for school, rent and put food on your table.Well anyway, I drove by my old elementary school and it's as big as a high school . They've added on and built like two other buildings around it. I used to go sledding down this big hill in back of the school and guess what it no longer there! They smoothed it out and the hill is all but non-existent. It brings back so many good memories when I think of the place where I grew up. There's a episode of the Twilight Zone called "Walking Distance" where a guy that has a stressed out job gets a flat tire on his way to the city and he stuck in his old neighborhood where he grew up. He ends up going back in time and sees himself when he was a kid. That's the way I feel sometimes I just can't stay there very long. There was something quite therapeutic about this assignment I know some of these other people in class probably did far more interesting things but I choose to do something that I thought my have a nostalgic but happy feel to it. In the end it made me forget about how crappy things have been lately and that just swinging on a swing for a couple of minutes could take you back home .

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Senses - Part 2 (Thu - Sat)

Thursday - Sense #4 (Smell)

This day I took some time to smell things. I really don't know how to write about what you smell and describe these sensations but I will let you in on the details. While driving to work this morning I got behind a car that was smoking pretty heavily and was having major engine problems. I absolutely hate the smell of an engine about to blow. It's happened to me before so I know what it's like. Next at work somebody did not flush the toilet in the
men's room and it stunk up the bathroom for the rest of the day. I guess you really only pay attention to smell when it's something you don't like. I really don't know what I like to smell maybe some fresh bread or donuts. This is my least favorite sense and if I had to lose one this might be the one. Although if I have BO then how would I know?

Friday - Sense #5 (Vision)

Well ever since I was 7 I have been terribly nearsighted. I have to have my glasses on to see things clearly. I really love HDTV now. I bought a Hi Definition TV last year with my tax return and ever since I think I watch more TV than ever. Vision is where I feel the most emotion , I love to watch anything to do with nature and love the beauty of this planet. I was on the phones up at the receptionist desk Friday morning . The sun was coming up and this long line of clouds was moving across the sky .These clouds looked like a big gigantic spaceship moving through the sky and it took like 30 minutes to move across the building .I just kept glancing at it when I wasn't answering the phones and with the sun just starting to rise it was amplified even more. This is when you realize how blessed you are that you have something like this to look at. There just something so peaceful and tranquil about looking at what God has bestowed on us and you should never take what you are given for granted.

Saturday - Sense#6 (Perception of Time)

Somebody mentioned this in class so I thought I would elaborate more on this. I was working on some projects today and could feel like I knew what time it was even when I wasn't looking at the clock and that's the way I've always been with this sense. I wake up every morning and beat my alarm clock because I know it's time to get up. I wondered when and where this all started I think it had to start when I was in the military.Every day of military life is so structured and it's a repetitive process that you just mentally lock in to this sense . I don't believe in talking with dead people so that why I choose this as my sixth sense.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Senses - Part 1 (Mon - Wed)

Monday – Sense #1 (Hearing)

Pardon me but my ears are a little clogged up with Chocolate pudding but tonight I focused on hearing. I would say this is my favorite sense and I really wanted to come home after school tonight and listen to some music. I have been busy the last few days so I haven’t really had time to listen to the IPOD. I drifted off to sleep listening to Spiritualized new album “Songs in A and E”. I being a definite musicholic can judge a great album if it relaxes you enough to make you fall into a dream state. Music is what I focus with this sense most of the time .My ears can pick up sounds that you would not notice .I can hear every layered guitar, the harmonium in the middle section or the tambourine in the chorus . So in closing I never take this sense for granted.

Tuesday – Sense # 2 (Touch)

When I was tasting my Pop tart this morning I accidently cut my inside gum in the right side of my mouth. Man, I was in pain all day I could only chew on my left side the whole day. I guess you would have to say that the inside our mouths are very sensitive to the touch and that this is one place where you don’t want to cut yourself. The real part that sucks is that ruined my appetite for the rest of the freakin’ day. Oh well maybe this is just what I need to lose a few pounds.

Wednesday – Sense # 3 (Taste)

Luckily last night I took a few Tylenol PM’s and woke up today feeling much better this morning. Tacos are the cure for me when I am having a bad day. I went out with a few friends for lunch and ate off the dollar menu at Taco Bell. I still can’t believe you can eat there for five bucks and be good for the rest of the day. Taste is a pleasure. I really think this might be the sense that is taken for granted. When you having a craving for something and can really enjoy the flavor such as Cheesy Double Beef Burrito or a Volcano Taco it really makes you feel good. I know it’s stupid I love food and if I couldn’t taste anything it would be the worst torture anybody could put me through. Oh yeah and maybe having to listen to Country music.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Class Reflection From 9/22

Sorry to say but I didn't make it to class last Monday but I talked to a classmate and he said that people shared some of their what if questions in class. I read most of the blogs from last week and was surprised that some of us came up with some of the same what ifs. My favorite one that a few of us had was the question: What if John McCain becomes the next president and dies in office and Sarah Palin takes over as president? This might be the most scary what if scenario ever imagined just ask Katie Couric.

What If Redux : World Without The Web

What if the internet died tomorrow and didn’t come back? That was a question that was asked on IUPUI Dance Team blog. This was pretty easy to create but I wanted to see how it would handle it if I went 24 hours without checking the internet for anything. I literally did not realize how much I rely on it and felt withdrawal from going cold turkey. First I could not get online to check my assignments in my other N485 class and I know something is due this weekend. Second I forgot about my phone bill and I pay all my bills online so I was SOL. Last I didn’t get my Sunday Lineups in for my Fantasy Football league so now I am really f*@ked.Why do I rely on the internet so much? It’s like in the last five years ever since I got high speed internet I get all my news, weather, communication and entertainment via internet. Blame it on YOUTUBE, MySpace, Blogs, Yahoo,Google,etc. In the 24 hours that I did not use the internet it was the most out of touch and unaware that I felt in along time. So if the internet went down and did not come back it would be an abomination and people would probably start rioting. Later M.C.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What If's

In no particular order just random thoughts :

1) What If the Colts didn’t get called for pass interference with 25 seconds left in the game?

2) What if Peyton Manning didn’t throw an interception for a touchdown?

3) What if I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow?

4) What if I won the lottery this weekend?

5) What if I had Paris Hilton’s cell phone #?

6) What if I had Bill Gates credit card?

7) What if I was 15 years younger?

8) What if there was a weight loss drug that actually worked?

9) What if I could read peoples minds?

10 What if Oceanic Airlines was a real airline company?

11What if the Dharma Initiative existed?

12What if Hurley did not play the numbers 4,8,15,16,23,42 and win the lottery?

13 What if I’m living in an alternate reality?

14 What if I stayed in the military?

15 What if John McCain becomes the next president?

16 What if Sarah Palin is our next Vice President after McCain?

17 What if I could sleep 1 hour a day but still feel good?

18 What if the Fantastic 4 hadn’t defeated Dr Doom?

19 What if Captain America (Steve Rogers) wasn’t assassinated?

2) What if the Civil War never happened?

21 What if I was 6 inches taller?

2) What if I wasn’t afraid to say what’s on my mind?

2) What if time stood still?

2) What if I didn’t have to do this assignment?

2) What if I could have gone back to college sooner?

2) What if I could be a rock roll star?

27 What if I lived in South Dakota?

2 What if I met the girl of my dreams tomorrow?

29 What if I could run as fast as the Flash?

30 What if the Beatles and the Rolling Stones had never existed?

31 What if New Media was Old Media?

3) What if I told everyone to F*** Off?

3) What if I told everyone to have a nice day?

3) What if didn’t have to think of 16 more What if questions?

3) What if Peter Petrelli did not catch the vile with the virus in the Season Finale of Heroes?

3) What if my boss gave me a raise for just being a nice guy?

37 What if I had been a better student 15 years ago?

3) What if I majored in Political Science instead of New Media?

3) What if Elvis never was discovered?

4) What if we did not win WW2?

41 What if there were actually Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?

4) What if George W. Bush never became President?

4) What if I wasn’t so pissed off that the Colts lost tonight?

4) What if I could have a glimpse of the future for one hour?

4) What if my reseeding hairline wasn’t reseeding?

4) What if I had perfect vision?

47 What if Windows Vista wasn’t so problematic?

4) What if people wouldn’t be so rude?

4) What if my views of the world weren’t so distorted?

5) What if I just stop talking?

Class Reflection From Last Week

I really can't add anything that probably hasn't been said already. The egg assignment I actually thought was pretty interesting and funny. I probably didn't get as creative as some others but I think it was a valid assignment and I had no qualms with it. The idea of time was more abstract and as I said before in a previous blog entry I took it as kind of a open ended assignment. Everyone in this class had great ideas and now i wish I could have been more experimental with my initial idea. All in all for three weeks I see my perception changing at the way I look at things.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Time After Time (AnneElise) - My cover of a classic R.E.M. track

First and foremost this assignment was very vague so I interpreted the way I thought. We had to do something with time or time in It . So I chose to spend time on a Saturday night to record a song by one of my favorite bands R.E.M. that has a title of Time After Time(AnneElise) . The total recording and mix took about two and a half hours. I recorded all the instruments myself : guitar, bongos,tambourine, and vocals. Still learning how to use the software so this was my first try at recording a multi-track recording . The song is off of R.E.M.'s 1984 album "Reckoning".

Here it is :

Lyrics :

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bible Dipping - Pg.444 "RED"

When I turned to this page it’s like the story of my life ironic and off key. Looking at it the strange thing is that it makes sense to me where as for other individuals they would say it’s not right. Why does RED have to be red? Can it have a personality crisis? The blue and yellow letters make you feel that it might be sad or having a bad day. It also looks bloated like it might be sick with a migraine. I really like the Polygon font used it sort of has the feeling like it could give a shit what people think, like it’s dressed not to impress, oh well. Bible dipping is weird and I hope I’m actually doing this right. Looking at things and trying to explain them in a personal way is always hard for me but with this will just say this is the first take. Later Gators. MC.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Death Of Mr. Egg

I took Mr. Egg on a field trip the other day. He had not been out much since he was give to me a couple of weeks ago. Actually he has been sitting at the bottom of my fridge to be honest. Anyway I decided we go to the park and let him play and as you can see he was having a blast. I put him on the swing and slides and we were having a dandy of a time till he took more than he could take on that last slide. I’m sorry to say that he’s now bitten the dust .Rest in Peace. Mr. Egg .Now I have to search for a new friend. Wonder if this cantaloupe would like to try a little skydiving if you know what I mean? MC OUT!!!!!!!!!